
2020 Legislative Public Affairs Relating To Your South Dakota Business

SDCOA has an ear on Washington D.C. and Pierre activities, yet we also strive to hear what is happening in local communities. It truly takes a team. If you know of any issues you feel we should act upon, please bring them to our attention. Here are the issues we are actively evaluating for 2020 (this page will be updated as needed).

Click here to see a list of list of legislative cracker barrels being held throughout South Dakota.

SD HB 1121: Immunity from Liability for the Inherent Risks of Camping

Our own bill on establishing immunity from liability for the inherent risks of camping, SD HB 1121 (submitted by Representative T. Goodwin), will be heard by the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, 2/24, likely between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Please check your inbox for emails on how you can assist us! Click here or on the image below to see our press release for more insight.

Woodalls Campground Management published this article, using our press release as its basis.

The House Judiciary Committee amended and passed a similar immunity: SD HB 1092. It is now set to go before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


HB 1240 provides for the inspection of certain swimming pools and beaches. We visited with various agencies before opting to not react to this bill. Campgrounds are excluded from the bill.